Vimana is active on the market for over 10 years. We grew to a company with 100+ specialists, focused on servicing their customers. We provide support across Poland to over 3 000 locations and over 50 000 units of hardware. Our services range from hardware maintenance, help desk and service desk to single point of contact and IT outsourcing. Given the large geography on Poland we have built a network of service offices around the country and are able to meet a 4-hour SLA on infrastructure across the country.

Vimana is open to working with partners in several different ways. When looking for a partner we recognize that being a professional and standards driven organization is important. We also know that our partners value our flexibility and ‘can do’ attitude. Vimana is comfortable working in English as well as Polish so whatever your needs we are at your service!

Vimana has a range of partnership models:

  • We can be a subcontractor,
  • We can be local contractor,
  • We can offer a ‘white label’ service where the helpdesk and onsite services are performed in your name. This can include a dedicated phone number, predefined scripts for answering your clients and have engineers wear our partner’s identification badges for onsite work.

Vimana has experience in holding stock in our warehouses around Poland as well as training and maintaining knowledge on different technologies and working methods. We are committed to make your clients happy and if you have another model or way of working then we are very happy to discuss this with you and start building a long-lasting partnership together!

If You need a service Partner in Poland, contact us!